Positive Morning Affirmations

I am releasing all that is not in alignment with me. I always have and always will hold the power to create my own reality. I am powerful. I am worthy of beautiful endings and exciting beginnings. I allow my voice to be heard, my thoughts to be expressed and my vision to be seen.Continue reading “Positive Morning Affirmations”

Breathe. Let go.

Breathe. Let go. And remind yourself that this very moment is the only one you know you have for sure.– Oprah Winfrey Deep Breathing Get comfortable. You can lie on your back in bed or on the floor with a pillow under your head and knees. …  Breathe in through your nose. Let your bellyContinue reading “Breathe. Let go.”

Rejecting Shame

Learning to reject shame can change the quality of our life. Today I will watch for signs that I have fallen into shames’ trap if I get hooked into shame I will get myself out by accepting my self and affirming that it’s OK to be who I am.

Today, I will

Today, I will accept where I am and continue pushing forward. If I am in the midst of a learning experience, I will allow myself to continue on with the faith that the day of mastery and reward will come.


Walking move at a regular pace by lifting and setting down each foot in turn, never having both feet off the ground at once. 🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️ I hope you find these quotes and messages as uplifting as I do. The background photos were taken by me. You may copy and share.

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