Positive Happy Optimistic

 5 examples of positive attitudes Optimists see the positive side of things. They expect things to turn out well. They believe they have the skill and ability to make good things happen. You feel that good things will happen in the future. You expect things to work out for the best. You feel like you willContinue reading “Positive Happy Optimistic”

8Cs & 5Ps of self

Qualities of Self Compassion, Creativity, Curiosity, Confidence, Courage, Calm, Connectedness, Clarity, Presence, Persistence, Perspective, Playfulness, Patience

I’m sorry you’re struggling 

“I’m sorry you’re struggling” is absolutely an appropriate way to express empathy! It acknowledges their situation and shows you care. Here are some other options that might be even more helpful, depending on the situation: The most important thing is to be sincere and offer support in a way that feels right for the situation.

10th Step Inventory “Spot Check “

Answer some questions every day: 1. Was I resentful? 2. Was I dishonest? 3. Did I promptly admit when I was wrong today? 4. Do I owe an apology? 5. Did I do or say something today out of fear? 6. Have I kept something to myself which should be discussed with another person at once? 7. Did I think todayContinue reading “10th Step Inventory “Spot Check “”

Improve Your Life

1. Journaling Self-reflection is a great tool that we often don’t take the time to utilize, and journaling is a fantastic way to do that. Every morning or at night before bed, take 10 minutes to journal about your day, thoughts, feelings, the coworker who annoyed you, or that startup idea your friend mentioned. What are youContinue reading “Improve Your Life”


❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓❓ The question of “what it means to make a choice” is a complex one, with different perspectives depending on the field you’re looking at. Here are some ways to think about it: From a basic definition: Making a choice simply means selecting one option from among several. This could be anything from choosing betweenContinue reading “Choices”

Once we have spoken our saddest story, we can be free of it.

Sadness is a normal human emotion that’s characterized by feelings of unhappiness, loss, or disappointment. It can range from mild feelings of sorrow to intense grief. 😢 Here are some key things about sadness: Here are some resources that can help you cope with sadness: 🥰 Process Emotions 🥰 Healthy approaches that can help youContinue reading “Once we have spoken our saddest story, we can be free of it.”

Self Care

Self-care is all about taking care of yourself, both physically and mentally. It’s about making choices and engaging in activities that help you feel your best. Here’s a breakdown of what self-care involves: Self-care is important because it helps you recharge and cope with life’s challenges. When you take care of yourself, you’re better equippedContinue reading “Self Care”

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