Recognize the Signs

In numerology, some New Age believers often link 11:11 to chance or coincidence. It is an example of synchronicity. For instance, those who are seeing 11:11 on a clock often claim it as an auspicious sign or signaling a spirit presence. Repeating numbers (like 111 or 999) or numbers in a certain order (like 4321Continue reading “Recognize the Signs”

I am only one

Thought for today: I will try not to take anything personally. I will love. I will trust my higher power. I can hope others get healthy as they see me work my program. Jason Stephenson- Affirmations Release bad memories. Have gratitude for life today.

Own Your Behaviors

5 Chairs 5 Choices: own your behaviour, enhance your relationships, secure your success. From the author, Louise Evans The Five Chairs – In Which Do You Sit? The Red Chair. The Jackal: Attack · The Yellow Chair. The Hedgehog: Self-doubt · The Green Chair. The Meerkat: Wait · The Blue Chair. The Dolphin: Detect ·Continue reading “Own Your Behaviors”

Healthy alternatives to emotional eating that take the focus off food

Make a phone call to a far-away friend. Be French-don’t eat while you speak. Plan a game of tennis or pickleball with a friend during a time you are vulnerable to emotional Take a bath. Don’t forget the candles, bath pillow, book, and relaxing music. Paint your nails. A new color is always fun. EscapeContinue reading “Healthy alternatives to emotional eating that take the focus off food”

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